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How to Set Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep


Even though I know I don’t have to wait for the new year to start a new habit, new beginnings leave me wanting to feel like a new(er) version of myself and make resolutions to get there. But whatever resolutions I decide to make, I know that I’m going to do it out of self-love, not self-hate. If your resolution is for more exercise, you can do it. exercise helps you manage stressOr because Exercise makes your body feel goodYour body is worthy of it Not Because you want to make your body better or punish it for eating the holiday food. Make resolutions rooted in fear or self-hate, you’re more likely to abandon the goal altogether by March (trust me). Because you deserve to feel accomplished, confident, and happier by 2023, here’s how to set resolutions you’ll actually keep.


1. Clarify what you want and why

Refrain from judging the last year. Consider how you want the new year to feel. What does this look like for me? Consider what it would look like if you met your resolution. Get specific (and I mean that). Really specific). I have a resolution to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes every time I feel stressed. It makes me feel less stressed when I can move. Maybe for you, it’s leaving for work 20 minutes early because you want to feel more relaxed and not rushing in the morning helps (or you feel your most productive when you have time to pick up Starbucks has a shaken espresso with oatmilk and brown sugar). Be open to hearing other people’s expectations and visualizing all the details that will make your vision come true. FeelThen, set goals around that feeling.


2. Make sure the resolution is realistic and achievable. 

We often set resolutions that we think are manageable but are actually impossible, and it’s the unrealistic resolutions that’ll have you tripping. Try not to make too many changes at one time. I want you big dreams sis, but I also want to help you understand the assignment. You can break down large goals into smaller goals to encourage you to celebrate small victories and motivate yourself. To help you determine your target completion date, break down your resolution to obtain a certification in your chosen career field into smaller tasks like registering for the exam or getting the study materials. Proclaiming that you’ll study six hours every day when you can realistically only study two hours a day might leave you feeling discouraged or overwhelmed and eventually ghosting your resolution. 



3. Plan ahead

You can give your resolutions a fighting chance. Your resolutions can be attached to any habits you already have that you are doing without even realizing it. If your resolution is to read eight books this year, and you’ve made more it manageable by breaking it down to read for at least 10 minutes everyday, make getting into bed your “trigger habit” to get cozy with a good book. You might find that some of your resolutions go well together. Your resolution could be to Your skincare routine should be improvedThese books would make a great bedtime reading choice. Make sure to have your skincare items at hand and grab a book for your nightstand. It is important to identify steps that you can take to support your resolutions and work for your lifestyle.


4. Change your routine

One of my favorite quotes is “The definition of insanity is to do the same things and expect different results.” If your resolution is to change jobsWhat are you going to do differently this year in order to achieve your resolution? What are your current habits that are keeping you from achieving that resolution? Perhaps you spend two to three hours a night scrolling through social media or watching TV. This could be time that could be used to improve your resume or connect with people on LinkedIn. Reassess your current routines and how you’re spending your time to block out time that would be better used to learn a professional skill, check job listings, or network with professionals in your industry. Your routine should reflect your new priorities.


5. Schedule checkpoints

Schedule checkpoints to keep you on track throughout the year. These dates can be either weekly, monthly, or every other week depending on the length of your resolution. Because you’ve thought about what it looks and feels like to meet your resolution, you’ll have the metrics needed to be able to tell how it’s going.For example, Your resolution is to Save $5,000Check your progress monthly to ensure you are on track for your vacation at the end 2022. Have you been putting $417 each month into savings? Do you need to make adjustments to your budget in order to stay on track? The pre-scheduled checkpoints give you a chance to reward yourself if you’ve met your smaller goals or adjust as necessary if you’ve been struggling. Having a schedule in place will increase the likelihood that you’ll hit your resolution by Dec. 31. 



6. Get a accountability buddy

I love checking in with my sister on the progress we’re both making with our goals. We encourage one another to keep our eyes on the bigger picture. Even though our resolutions aren’t exactly the same, our check-ins with each other are reminders not only to keep going but also that we’re not alone in successes or challenges. You can also have a friend in your Weight Watchers group, book club, or other virtual support group. It makes a big difference to have someone to talk to, vent to, or encourage you. It’s not about someone holding you accountable because you don’t have the ability to hold yourself accountable (hint: you should enjoy and feel motivated by your goals so much that it’s not hard to hold yourself accountable). Instead, having a “buddy” is about built-in support (it takes a village to reach a resolution!). 


7. Stay inspired

You can stay motivated to achieve your resolution by immersing yourself in the content, foods, activities, and music that you love. If you’ve decided to learn French this year, make a French cuisine dinner with your friends to eat while you watch a French film and see how many words you were able to recognize. Listen to podcasts or YouTube videos that teach you how to run a marathon. There’s so much content out there to motivate you as you go after your resolution, so immerse yourself in whatever way will keep you inspired. 



8. Remember your “why”

When I get distracted from my resolutions I go back and remember why I started them in the first place. Feel. When you’re clear on what you want and why you want it, it’s easier to stay focused—especially when your “why”You are rooted in something that matters to your heart, such as confidence, happiness, and a longer lifespan. The pride you feel in creating healthy and nutritious dishes that provide energy and taste without sacrificing flavor, or the idea of living a longer life with those you love will motivate more than any six-pack. 


9. Be kind to yourself

If you fail to meet your expectations, show compassion Talk to yourself as you would a friend (and we both know that friends don’t let friends trash talk themselves!). Journal or document your progress and also how you’ve been feeling while taking steps toward your resolution. Making progress toward your resolution is more important than being “perfect” or hitting your exact goals because you’re still getting closer to how you want to feel and the intention that matters to you. You will be more likely to give up on your resolution if you feel guilty or put down for not meeting certain expectations.


The 15 Best Books for Your New Year’s Resolutions


Source: The Every Girl

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