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You’ve *Gotta* Stretch Your Quads Regularly To Avoid Injury (And Get Stronger!)

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Squatting. Jumping. Deadlifting. Sprinting. Picking up a box. Climbing up a steep flight of stairs. When it comes to some of life’s heaviest, most muscle-activating activities, your quadriceps are total powerhouses.

And whether you’re mid-lunge, or just catching yourself mid-stride in a pair of shorts or skintight leggings, you’ve probably noticed how big your quads are, too. And that’s not just aesthetically speaking—your quads are actually the most voluminous muscle on your body. However TechnicallyYour quads as a group are Made up of several muscles including:

  1. Rectus femorisAlternatively, it is the muscle that runs from the front of the thigh to your stomach.
  2. Vastus latusThe, which runs down the outside-lateral section of the thigh (you guessed it).
  3. Vastus medialis, the vastus lateralis’ sister muscle that runs down the inside-lateral portion of the thigh
  4. Vastus intermediusYou will find it deep between the vastus and medialis.

    These muscles work together to propel your legs up or down. And while it’s normal to feel tightness and soreness following, say, a series of heavy walking lunges, the quads can also tighten from too much sitting or simply too little movement.

    That lack of activation can reduce mobility when you really need to put your quads into motion (say, you’re sprinting to home base during a kickball league game), which can cause injury, says Holly Roser, CPT.

    She mentions that stretching can increase oxygen delivery and blood flow to the area. This can help with tightness. “Stretching helps decrease your risk of injury, improves range of motion, helps increase athletic performance, and increases blood flow back to the muscle group,” explains Roser.

    Roser believes that not all stretching is the same and should be avoided AllThe time.

    “Static stretching is best performed when your body is already in a warmed up state,” she says. “Dynamic warmups [designed to activate your quads]You can do this before you start any exercise, such as leg swings, walking lunges and jumping jacks. Foam rolling, or myofascial release, is also an option before your workout or anytime during.”

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    5 Quad Stretches To Try

    You might be wondering when you should do static stretching for quads. “The optimal time to stretch your quads is post-cardio or [after] a strength workout,” says Roser.

    As for other pro tips to make the most of your quad stretches, Roser says it’s important to concentrate on your breathing—in through your nose and out through your mouth. “Try to slowly move your body into the stretch and keep the stretched position stable. Many people try to bounce in the stretch, or push harder than necessary.” She notes that each stretch should feel slightly uncomfortable, but never painful.

    Roser demonstrates her five favorite quad stretches, and how to make the most out of each one. You can hold each stretch for 30 seconds and alternate sides if necessary.

    1. Standing Quad Stretch

    Holly Roser

      How to: Start with your feet about hip-width apart. Grab your shin with your heel toward your hamstring. As you push your hip forward, bring your heel closer towards your glute. Keep your knee pointed towards the ground, not to the side. Switch sides.

      2. Frog Stretch

      Holly Roser

        How to: Start with your feet at hip-width. Place your hands on your hips. Turn your knees slightly to the side, with your feet facing outward. Keep your chest high and lower your body into a sumo-squat. Keep your glutes parallel to the floor and stop a few inches from the end. You’ll feel this stretch in your vastus medialis, part of your quadriceps located towards the inside of your knee.

        3. Step Stretch

        Holly Roser

          How to: A surface about one foot above the ground will work. With your right leg straight behind you, place your right foot on the elevated surface. Slowly lower your body towards ground with control. Try to keep your hamstring parallel to it. On your left side, you should feel a stretch in the quads, inner quads, and inner thighs. Your right leg’s vastus medialis should also feel a deep stretch. Switch sides.

          4. Kneeling Quad Stretch

          Holly Roser

            How to: Now, get down to your knees and then move your left foot forward. Your right foot should be just a few inches below your knee. Your right foot should be slightly in front of your torso. Your right glute should be in front of your left foot. You should feel a stretch in the inner thigh and right quad. While you may feel the urge to bounce, try to remain as still and balanced as possible. Switch sides.

            5. Side Lunge Stretch

            Holly Roser

              How to: Begin with your feet hip-width apart, your hands on your hips, and then move your left foot toward your left side. While keeping your torso upright, core muscles engaged, and your torso up, bend your right knee to lower your body towards your ground. Your feet should face forward for the entire time. You will feel the stretch in your inner right thigh and left quad. Switch sides.

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              Source: Women’s Health Mag

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