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This Full-Body Mini Resistance Band Workout Will Torch You Head To Toe In 15 Minutes

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Time: 15-30 minutes

Equipment:Mini resistance band

This is a great place to: Cardiovascular, full body

Instructions: Select five exercises from the following list. Each exercise should be performed for 30-45 seconds,With proper form, control and focus, complete as many reps of each exercise as possible. 15 secondsYou should take breaks between moves. Repeat your total circuit 3-4Resting between when necessary.

Kelsey Sheahan Personal trainer and cofounder at Sweat Den, crThis exclusive Full-BodyHIIT workout is part of the WHTotal-Body Band Challenge

Jack With Overhead Press

How to: Stand with your feet together, your hands at your chest, and your thumbs banded around. Jump feet out while you raise your arms overhead. Next, pull your arms down as you jump feet in, keeping tension in that band. This is one rep.

Trainer tip: Alternating toe taps from side to side is an alternative to jacking with the feet.

Bear Sprawl To Reach

How to:Loop band around wrists. Start on the tabletop, knees above the floor. Jump forward and land on your feet. Next, reach your arms up to the ears. Return to where you started. This is one rep.

Narrow-Wide Pushups

How to: Start in a triceps pushup position (knees/toes), with your wrists banded. Keep your elbows close to your sides and your hands narrow. Do one pushup. Perform one pushup. This is one rep. Alternate pushup positions.

Pop Squat

How to:Band around the thighs. Stand with your feet slightly closer than your hips. Jump your feet out and then drop into a squat, aiming one hand towards the floor. Then jump back to your starting position. This is one rep.

Narrow-Wide Hops

How to: Band around your thighs. Place band around thighs. Keep your feet low as you leap feet out and lower as you return to the starting position. This is one rep.

Football Shuffle

How to: Stand with the band around your thighs and feet slightly wider than your hips. Keep your torso slightly tipped forward. Keep your tension on the band and run as fast as you can.

High-To-Low Plank Jack

How to:Band around your thighs, and you will be in a high plank position with your feet hip-width apart. Jump your feet in and out. You will be able to lower down to your elbows and hold on tightly so you can perform a forearm stretch. Next, step out and in. Return to the starting position. This is one rep.

Trainer tip: You can modify the plank jacks by only doing them from a high plane. OrForearm plank. Or, you can step out and in one step.

Squat To Oblique Twist

How to: With your feet banded around your feet, place your feet hip-width apart, with your hands behind the head, and lower into an incline. As you stand up, draw your right knee towards your left shoulder and rotate your torso to the right. Reverse the process and return to the starting position. This is one rep. Continue alternating.

Speed Repeaters

How to: Place One portion of the band is around the left ankle. The other part is around your right foot. Stand in a staggered position, with your left foot forward and your RIGHT foot back. Keep your weight in the left leg, glute, and lower, and tap the right foot in.

March Bear Hover

How to: Place band around feet. Start in a bear hovering position. Round spine while drawing left knee to nose. Switch to drawing right knee towards the nose. This is one rep. Continue alternating.

Twisted Mountain Climbers

How to: Place band around feet. Start in a high plank. Begin by extending your right leg toward your left elbow. Then, return to the starting position. Draw left knee toward right elbow. Return to where you started. This is one rep. Continue alternating.

Trainer tip: Choose a speed that works best for you. This will allow you to maintain control of the band and keep them in place. While challenging, it will also allow you to challenge yourself.

Bicycle Crunch

How to: Wrap the band around your feet and lay down on your back. Keep your chin and chest up by curling up in a tight ball. As you draw your right knee into your chest, extend your left leg long and twist your torso to the right. Switch sides. This is one rep. Continue alternating.


How to: Place the band vertically on the floor. Place the band vertically on the floor. Keep your knees bent and take small hops side-to-side, up and over each band member.

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    Source: Women’s Health Mag

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