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7 Relationship Fights That are Detrimental


When you’re newly dating someone and in the very fun and exciting infatuation stage, it can be hard to see the writing on the walls. If you’re fighting in a new relationship, that can be a sign that you aren’t compatible or a sign of progress (we’ll explain how shortly). Some fights can be quite detrimental to new relationships. Others can help a couple become closer if they’re handled well.

Let’s take a closer look at which flights can serve as major red flags and which fights can be productive in the right circumstances.


Trust issues in a detrimental fight

It can take time to open up to a new partner and you don’t need to rush intimacy, but if you’re fighting about trust issues early, your foundation might not be strong enough to build a healthy relationship on. It is possible to get into a fight if one or both of you lie, are jealous, or lack faith in your partner. There’s no winning when it comes to trust issues. Either there’s a good reason that there isn’t a strong level of trust in the relationship (which is bad) or there’s no reason for doubt and suspicion, but the fights happen anyway (which is equally bad). Without trust in one another, it will be difficult to relax and create the intimacy necessary to build a successful relationship.



Important fight: The future

Fights about the future can get heated quickly because you’re dealing with hypothetical situations, and while you may be very emotionally attached to your vision for what you want the future to hold, it can be hard to clearly picture the future your partner is proposing. It’s OK to get emotional here as long as you’re being respectful of each other’s desires, listening to each other fully, and both willing to compromise. If neither of you can or want to compromise (like if one person wants children and the other doesn’t), this fight still serves an important purpose, as it may show you aren’t aligned on what kind of lives you want to lead. Sometimes, it’s best to figure that out sooner rather than later.


Time control: Detrimental fight

It’s understandable if you want to spend all your free time with your new paramour when you first start dating (the honeymoon period happens to everyone and we won’t judge it), but when it’s time to come up for air, if one partner tries to control how the other person spends their time, you’re on a path to some unpleasant fights. A healthy relationship is one that doesn’t allow you to control how your partner spends their time or who they spend it with. It’s important to have outside interests and relationships so you don’t need to rely on your partner to meet all of your emotional needs (codependency doesn’t benefit your relationship).

If you’re fighting over how you spend your time, one or both of you might not be emotionally ready to be in a serious relationship, not to mention this level of control can be a sign of emotional abuse.


Important fight: Establishing boundaries

Establishing how you want to spend your time is an example of an important boundary to set, so let’s talk about boundaries. Sometimes, people push past boundaries on purpose, but when you’re in a new relationship, it can be easy to accidentally break a boundary. For example, while you may be fine with acknowledging your family isn’t perfect and are OK with venting to your partner about their faults, they may not want to speak negatively about their family. If you accidentally overstep and criticize one of their family members in a way they’re not comfortable with, this could lead to a pretty big fight, and that’s OK.

As long as you listen to the boundary they’re setting, choose to respect it, and don’t put a wall up, you can move forward and actually improve your relationship. Being firm when establishing boundaries can feel like fighting, but it doesn’t need to turn into a fight if both partners are respectful and understanding.



The past: The detrimental fight

While our past informs what we want and how we manage future relationships, holding someone’s past against them never does any good. If a couple can’t look past mistakes, relationships, and choices that happened before they met, they can’t continue to grow their relationship in a healthy way.


Important fight: money

If you can help each other to understand one another, fighting early in a relationship can be a positive thing. Although it may not seem so, money is a sensitive topic for many people. It can be difficult for partners to see eye to eye when they have different financial habits or beliefs than you. You can work together more effectively if you don’t fight over money but can understand the feelings of your partner about finances. If you’re looking to build a long-term relationship—possibly one that involves marriage, children, or homeownership—it’s best to get any money fights out of the way early on so you can properly manage your finances as a team when the time comes to do so.


Threats to the detrimental fight

If you use threats in a fight, it is impossible for the fight to be constructive. Threatening to leave someone if they don’t do what you want or threatening other types of punishments doesn’t work, and if it does, it only works on a very surface level because of fear. Threats can stem from two different places that are equally negative: The first is a desire to manipulate a partner into doing what you want and the second is being so desperate to enact change that you don’t know what else to do. You may need to threaten to end your relationship with someone if they do something similar to cheating.


Are You a Newly Dating? 15 pieces of advice to help you build a healthy relationship

Source: The Every Girl

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