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How to Prioritize Your Reproductive Health Today


Banal as they may be, clichés exist for a reason. My favorite? Life is a journey. This is especially true when it comes to reproductive and sexual health. Thankfully, we’re seeing a significant shift in this area of wellness, with supportive resources and professionals carving out a space for women to feel empowered. We have more control with functional medicine and holistic health, which allows us to take charge of our own reproductive health. This must be tempered with a dose of reality.

We’re at a pivotal and terrifying moment in our country’s history as it relates to women’s health. We still need communities where women feel at ease seeking the best possible care. In other words, It has never been more important to put our individual health first and concentrate on reproductive health. I spoke to a variety of health professionals to learn how we can prioritize our reproductive health as soon as possible (like, right now). A quick disclosure: These expert-backed tips are intended to inspire you to pursue the healthcare, life, and future that are truly for you. Here are some expert-backed tips that you can use today to improve your reproductive health.


1. Educate yourself

According to Jess FordLA-based doula with full spectrum, Education The #1 thing we can do for our reproductive health is to get pregnant. “For a long time, women haven’t been the priority in the healthcare system, so knowing all your options is key,” she said. All the experts I spoke to agreed that it is important to educate yourself. Why? Education gives women the ability to choose how they want to live in their bodies. 

Ford has many go-to’s for trusted, accessible information. For example, Dr. Aviva RommAuthor of Hormone IntelligenceOffers a combination Western and natural medicine, especially for women. Ford recommends Loom, a platform that teaches sexual and reproductive health, and Tia, a holistic healthcare experience for women, for access to information and support.


2. Concentrate on your diet

Food can influence essentially every part of our health—from our energy levels to our Sex lives—and the experts I spoke with were adamant to put what you eat at the top of your “prioritize now!” lists. “Food is a prime determinant of the health of both the egg and sperm, supports detoxification, and can help improve mental health,” explained Ami Chokshi, a fertility & IVF health coach (just to name a few benefits!). 

But Restrictive eatingNever is the answer. Sarah Bradford, founder of LUNA Mother Co.A core rehabilitation specialist, he says that a few simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference. “Start by focusing on eating a high-fiber, whole foods-based diet, limiting caffeine and alcohol, quitting smoking (if applicable), and getting around 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.” She also recommended eating at regular intervals (every 2-3 hours) to help regulate blood sugar and hormone levels.



3. Work with your doctor to have a birth control or safe sex plan that’s best for your body 

Birth control is a complicated topic, but you should find a doctor who will work with your preferences, body, and goals to find an option that’s best for you if pregnancy prevention is one of your current (or permanent) goals. “When I was growing up, I was only told there was one option, and we weren’t educated about the side effects. For me, this is why education is power,” Ford said.

Dr. Janine Mahon, Doctor of Chinese Medicine recommended tracking ovulation and learning more about your cycle. Also, pay attention to how you feel throughout each month (along with the birth control method that is right for you). You will be able to track your cycle and get to know your body. Fertility awareness methods), you’ll learn when to take extra precautions during sex if pregnancy prevention is part of your goals. Bottom line: The birth control method that’s right for your best friend (or even your gynecologist!) It may not be right to you. Work with your doctor to know all of your options, and form a safe sex plan that’s best for your body, future goals, and lifestyle.


4. Reduce pollutants

Thankfully, we’re collectively becoming more aware of the toll that toxins and pollutants can take, particularly as it relates to reproductive health. Chokshi stressed the importance of limiting your exposure and protecting hormonal health. Reflect on the products you use. Clean your homeSwap skincareAnd Makeup products for cleaner alternatives, and select a few aesthetically-pleasing (and air-purifying) plant palsto protect you. Oh, and the benefits for your health and the environment! Glass can be used to replace plastic containers shouldn’t be overlooked.


5. Reduce stress

Chronic stressIt has been long known for its detrimental effects on our brains, bodies, and emotional well-being. But in this age of harrowing headlines and never-ending to-do lists, it’s imperative that we give our mental health the attention (and love) it deserves. Include habits that are accessible and can help reduce stressIn your life. This to me looks like consistency. Joyful BewegungI love pouring into my favorite hobbiesThis is about shifting the focus away from productivity and allowing yourself to enjoy the joy of being alive and breathing. Find what works best for you and go with it.



6. If you are going through a difficult time with reproductive health, it is important to take care of your mental health.

Reproductive health issues can be intense and emotional. The important thing is to seek help from a trusted person or therapy and to prioritize your emotional wellbeing, no matter what that means to you. “One of the most important things you can do when going through any reproductive health struggle is to shift from self-blame to self-compassion,” suggested Dr. Michaela Bucchianeri, a licensed psychologist and anxiety coach. “Instead of viewing your body as an enemy, try to remind yourself it’s doing the best it can in this moment.” Bucchianeri suggests that you develop a mindfulness practice and limit social media activity to support your well-being and avoid comparison. 


7. Remember that you deserve care

Know that there are people who will support and comfort your needs. Seek out a few close friends or family members who you trust to provide unconditional love, and seek professional support through therapy or support groups if you’re struggling. Bucchianeri also suggests find a community of folks going through similar challenges to you, whether it’s related to fertility, endometriosis, etc. Even if it seems like the world is telling your otherwise, remember that you are not alone. deserve You deserve optimal health, wellness, and healthcare. 


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Source: The Every Girl

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