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6 Easy Ways to Fight the Midday Slump


I’ve loved working from home for many reasons: my two fluffy coworkers (my pets), comfy clothes, access to a full kitchen with all my favorite snacks, and no commute. The best thing about working remotely was being able take a quick nap when I felt like it. midday slumpEvery day. Even if it was only 20 minutes, it made such an impact on my day. 

Now that I’m back in the office, I miss this WFH perk the most (aside from snuggling with my cats all day), and I find myself heavily relying on a third or fourth cup of coffee each afternoon to keep me going. But there are some days when even coffee isn’t enough to wake me up, so I’ve been trying out other natural ways to help fight that 3 p.m. energy slump. If you also find yourself in need of a midday pick-me-up, read on for the six methods I’ve been using to feel energized in the afternoon. Just an FYI: These tips are meant to ease the occasional lack of energy or fatigue that comes in the afternoon from time to time, but if you’re experiencing extreme fatigue on an ongoing basis, you should consult your doctor. 


1. Get moving

Thank you Legally Blonde, we all know that “exercise gives you endorphins” and “endorphins make you happy.”According to Johns Hopkins MedicineExercise can increase brain activity that can keep you awake by releasing endorphins. Plus, exercise raises your body’s core temperature, which signals to the body’s clock that it’s supposed to be awake. Although you might not be able lift weights or do a full HIIT session in your cubicle at work, there are a few things you can do. Workouts are an integral part of a healthy workday. Try a quick yoga practice, pedaling on an elliptical under desk, or simply walking around the office. Whatever your goals, get up and move to get more energy and wake up your body. 


2. Get water

Dehydration can cause all sorts of issues: headaches, bad breath, and–you guessed it– fatigue. According to HealthlineDehydration can lead to fatigue and drowsiness. Some studies have shownEven mild dehydration can affect mood. To stay hydrated throughout your day, drink water. If you feel drained, reach for a glass of fluid to increase your hydration. You can try these tips if you are having trouble with your water intake. Infuse your waterUse a 64-ounce water bottle for fruit. Or, drink a glass with every meal. 



3. Get outside 

Daily lunchtime walks were another benefit of working from home, and I loved them so much that I’ve actually incorporated them into my in-office routine too. It’s a nice change from the desk and a great way to get some fresh air. Business Insider reportedIt has been proven that spending time outdoors can reduce fatigue and increase serotonin levels. If you’re in the city, try taking a walk around the block or eating your lunch outside to get some fresh air and soak up the sun.    


4. Snack

…but not just any snack. If you’ve ever experienced an energy crash after a sugary treat, you know that not all foods are created equal. Try complex carbs like sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and beans with protein like cheeses, nuts, or eggs. These nutritious snacks will keep you fuller for longer for sustained energy, meaning they’ll refuel your body for the rest of your workday. 



5. Aromatherapy is a great option 

When I think of AromatherapyWhile I tend to think of lavender or vanilla as calming scents for unwinding after a long day, they can also have invigorating properties. According to HealthlinePeppermint oil has been shown to increase alertness and rosemary oil can improve brain function and focus. Citrus oil (specifically lime, wild orange, and lemon) can also improve mood. Other energizing oils that can be used include bergamot oil, cinnamon, clove, frankincense and frankincense. These invigorating oils can be yours. Installing a small diffuserYou can either use them in your office, or roll them on your wrists if you feel your energy start to fade. 


6. Do something new

My afternoon slumps are the worst when I’ve been working on the same task for too long. Taking a break from your current task—especially if you’re working on the computer—can help prevent eye strain and refocus your mind on a new task. I personally like to check in with my coworkers, write a to-do list, or make a phone call to help switch gears and stimulate my mind by changing the way I’m using my brain. Harvard Business Review suggested tackling your more in-depth or decision-making tasks when you have the most energy and saving simpler tasks like cleaning out your inbox for later in the day when you’re feeling more tired.


Are You Having a Hard Time Finding Energy These Days? Us Too

Here are 5 ways you can boost your energy


Source: The Every Girl

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