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5 Manifestation Journal Prompts for Your Best Life Ever

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As someone who writes for a living, you’d think I’d be a journaling pro, but until recently, the combination of journal prompts and manifestation never crossed my mind. Yes, I used to write in my journal for years to express my excitement whenever Tommy (my crush) noticed me, but now, my list is limited to the extent that I can actually put pen to paper. 

But recently, that’s all changed. As of late, no matter where I’m reading or scrolling, I come across manifestation and journalingAmong their many benefits is improved productivity. well-being mood (Just to name a few. Combining the two can give you the best of both the worlds. Read on for five prompts I’ve been loving lately that got me into journaling and can work as a manifestation practice to achieve your dream life.


1. What is your ideal life?

Whether or not you realize it, when you fantasize about your dream life, you’re taking the first step in manifestation: identifying what you desire. And when you take note of it on paper, you’re setting your intentions and, in essence, writing your best story: your life. What does a day look like in your ideal life? Write in the present tense as if you’re already living it: “I start my morning with…,” “I am an interior designer…,” “I live in X with X.” 

How do you spend your free time? Who are you likely to meet? How do you feel every day? Use all your senses: What do you feel, see, hear, smell and taste? Be specific and remove all doubts and judgments from the practice. Writing about your dream life will help you visualize it and bring you closer to living it. 


2. Who is your highest self

Let’s be real: You can’t live your best life without being your best self. What is your highest, most authentic version of yourself? How do they dress, speak, and feel? What is their average day? Think about what you feel and visualize it. You will gain clarity by tapping into your highest self and all the senses. What will you see? Aligning with that person and showing up as them—starting today. Also, when you have to make a tough decision or are faced with an issue with a friend or coworker, you can ask yourself, “How would my highest self handle the situation?” Bottom line: Be clear about who you want to be and live as if you’re already that person, and the rest will follow. 


3. What is your purpose?

Each of us have innate talents and passions that we bring with us to the table. They are unique and ours. Some of us discover them at a young age while others find their path to self-discovery later in life, and that’s OK. If you’re seeking guidance in realizing your true purpose, journaling can be an effective tool. Think about what sparks your interest and keeps you energized. So, what is your passion? It could be a belief or activity, cause, or work line. What are your strengths? What would you do if fear and judgment didn’t come into play? Consider a time when your happiness was the greatest. What were your activities? 

By recording your reflections in your journal, you’re uncovering your “why,” or the purpose that gets you excited to get out of bed every morning; think of it as your inner guide to manifesting a fulfilling career and life. The best part? The best part? You can always return to it when you need inspiration, or feel compelled in a new direction. And there are no right or wrong answers—it’s your own personal discovery. 



4. What do your thoughts and feelings about your body?

We often take for granted the things our bodies do every day (like simple breathing). Walking, enjoying foods). Thank you for all that your body can do. instead of focusing on what we’d like to change makes room for manifesting what we want (whether or not it has to do with our bodies). For example, when I look in the mirror, I often think, “I wish my arms were more toned.” Replacing a critical thought with body-positive affirmations, like “I release self-criticism and choose self-love” or “My arms give me the ability to embrace my loved ones and carry my pup,” shifts my perspective from a place of lack to one of appreciation. Some other uplifting statements to consider journaling are: “I am grateful for my body today because…” and “I take care of my body by…” 

Not only will it foster love for your body, but it will also help you manifest your desires faster. Don’t get me wrong: Accepting and loving your body just as it is today is no easy feat. The more self-talk that lifts you up, the less we pick at our bodies and the more they are celebrated for what they offer. 


5. You don’t need it anymore

Everyone has a past. We all have people and circumstances from that past that we have not forgotten but still hold on to. They could be holding you back, limiting you from achieving what you want. To avoid any ghosts from the past, first identify what’s no longer serving you. Write down all people, jobs, relationships and routines that may be preventing you from achieving your goals. Then, outline three things you can do at this moment to feel better and remove that thing that’s holding you back. My go-to prompt is “I choose to put my energy into what serves me. This includes…” By releasing burdens from your past, you create space for new possibilities, opportunities, experiences, and connections to come into your life. 


What Type of Journaling Should You Do

Based on Your Enneagram


Source: The Every Girl

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