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Slash Your Cardio Time In Half With This High-Intensity Circuit Workout


Here’s some welcome news: You don’t *have* to run or hop on the elliptical machine, stationary bike, or treadmill to get stronger and faster. (But all good if you love those modalities!) We’re inviting you to think beyond the machine for a moment. Many exercises you might associate primarily with strength training can actually double as cardio exercises.

The best way to get your heart pumping and the sweat dripping? Compound exercises, which involve multiple joints and more than one muscle group. This way, you get every part of your body in on the action and burn more calories.

Another way to turn up the burn: Swap the steady-state for a HIIT workout or circuit training sequence with moves like high knees, butt kicks, and jumping rope. The higher the intensity of your sweat sesh, the more energy and oxygen you use and the greater after-burn effect (otherwise known as EPOC) you experience. Basically, you’ll continue to burn calories at a higher rate after your workout as your body returns back to its regularly scheduled program #balance.

The real deal-sealer here, though, might just be that you can cut your cardio time in half (from 150 to 75 per week, per the U.S. Department of Health’s physical activity guidelines) by opting for HIIT or circuit training. That means more free time for you!

Use this list of the best cardio exercise to create a whole slew of heart-pounding workouts that also offer full-body benefits. Oh, and you can do them practically anywhere, too.

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Time: 20 minutes

Equipment: mat, kettlebell, dumbbells, jump rope (optional)

Good for: total body, cardio

Instructions: Choose six to eight exercises below. Complete the indicated number of reps for each move, then immediately continue onto the next. After you’ve finished all of your movements, rest for 30 seconds to one minute. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

1. Squat Jump

How to: Start in a squat (feet under shoulders, toes facing forward, thighs parallel to floor) with torso upright and hands clasped in front of chest. Press through feet to straighten legs and jump up off the floor while swinging straight arms behind body. Land back in a squat position. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps.

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2. Donkey Kick Burpees

How to: Start standing, with hands at sides. Hop up into the air. As you land, squat down, press hands into ground, and jump into the air, higher than shoulder height. Let feet land directly under body, then hop up. That’s one rep. Do up to 10 with proper form.

3. Rainbow Slam

How to: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart holding a medicine ball in front of right hip. Rise up on balls of feet while lifting weight overhead and pivoting on right foot to turn body toward left side as you swing medicine ball in arc with force to bounce off ground outside left foot. Catch it and return to start. That’s one rep. Complete as many reps as possible for 45 to 60 seconds alternating sides.

4. Wonder Woman

How to: Start in a standing position, as if you’re setting up to do a jumping jack. Jump your feet out, wider than hip-width apart, and stretch your arms out to the side at the same time. Jump your feet to the center and cross them, one in front of the other. At the same time, cross your forearms in front of your face. That’s one rep. Continue for 20 reps.

5. Mountain Climbers

How to: Start in plank position, feet hip-distance apart, hands shoulder-width apart. Drive right knee into chest, then bring to start. Repeat on left side. Continue switching sides, and complete as many reps as possible in 45 seconds.

6. High Knees

How to: Start in a standing position on mat with arms bent at 90 degrees, elbows close to sides, and hands at hip height in front of body. Bend right leg and lift right knee up to tap palm. Return right knee to floor and quickly repeat on left side. That’s one rep. Continue alternating sides, increasing speed for an added challenge. Perform 20 reps.

    7. Kettlebell Swing

    How to: Start in a hinge (hips back, knees slightly bent, torso leaned forward at 45 degrees) holding the handle of a kettlebell with both hands, arms extended straight toward floor and bell between knees on the floor. In one motion, squeeze glutes, straighten legs, lift torso, and thrust hips forward, while swinging the weight to chest height, keeping arms straight and core tight. Reverse the movement, bringing the kettlebell between thighs this time when you hinge. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps.

      8. Pencil Jump

      How to: Start standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep arms by sides. Jump up and down by bouncing off the balls of the feet. Complete as many reps as possible in 45 seconds.

      9. Plank Get-Up

      How to: Start in a low plank with forearms on the floor and parallel, elbows under shoulders. Pick up right forearm and press through palm to extend arm straight. Then, repeat with left to come into a high plank, keeping hips as level as possible. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps, alternating which arm you start with.

          10. Butt Kicks

          How to: Start standing, core engaged. Bring right heel behind you to touch right glute. Bring right foot back down to ground, then repeat on the opposite side. Continue alternating sides, and speed it up for an added challenge. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.

          11. Half Turkish Get-Up

          How to: Start lying on back with right leg and arm straight on the floor and at a 45-degree angle from body, left leg bent so foot is flat on the floor, and left arm extended up toward ceiling (elbow locked out) holding a kettlebell. Keep eyes on kettlebell, press into right arm, and sit up, coming onto right forearm. Then, press through right palm and left foot to lift hips into air, keeping right leg straight. Slowly reverse the movement to return to starting position. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps per side.

          12. Tuck Jump

          How to: Start standing. Jump straight up, tucking knees to your chest. Land softly, and immediately repeat that move. That’s one rep. Complete 20 seconds at maximum effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest.

          13. Star Jump

          How to: Start with both feet together, firmly planted on the ground, with your hips slightly hinged backward. From here, jump as high as you can and stretch your arms out straight in either direction. Return to start. That’s one rep. Do 20 reps.

          14. Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press

          How to: Start standing with feet just wider than hips, a kettlebell in right hand, right arm bent with elbow close to body so that the weight rests on shoulder, and left hand on hip. Sink hips slightly into a quarter-squat. Then, quickly push through feet to extend legs, simultaneously pressing kettlebell straight up until right arm is completely extended overhead. With control, lower kettlebell back down. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps per side.

          15. Bulgarian Split Squat

          How to: Start standing about two feet in front of a step, holding a weight in each hand. Extend left leg back and place left foot on step. Bend knees to lower body as far as you can (or until knee hovers right above the ground), keeping shoulders back and chest up. Pause, then press through right heel to return to start. That’s one rep. Do up to 10 on each side.

          16. Kettlebell Deadlift to Squat Clean

          How to: Start in a deep hinge position (hips back, knees slightly bent, and torso leaned forward almost parallel to floor), with hands gripping a kettlebell on floor between feet. Squeeze glutes and press hips forward to straighten legs and lift weight up keeping it close to shins. When bell reaches knees, bend elbows and pull it up to chest. Then, bend knees and sink hips back and down into a squat. Once thighs are about parallel with floor, press through feet to extend legs and return to standing position. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps.

          17. Plank Jacks

          How to: Start in a forearm plank position. Jump feet out past shoulders to a wide “V” shape, then jump them back in again. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

          18. Bear Crawl

          How to: Start in bear plank, with shoulders over wrists and knees under hips and elevated a few inches off of mat. Step left hand and right foot forward at the same time, followed by right hand and left foot. Keep back flat and hips stable. Take three steps forward, then three steps backward. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps.

          19. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap

          How to: Start in bear plank, with shoulders over wrists and knees under hips and elevated a few inches off of mat. Keeping back flat and shoulders and hips stable, lift left hand up off mat and bend at elbow to tap right shoulder with it. Replace left hand, then repeat on the opposite side. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps.

          20. Jump Rope

          You can do perform this move with or without an actual jump rope. The form is the same either way.

          How to: Start with feet together and arms by sides. Bend at elbows (but keep them close to body) to bring forearms wide and up to hip height. Begin making small circles with both forearms in a forward motion while simultaneously taking quick hops with feet. (If you’re using a jump rope, the goal is to revolve the cord around body and clear it under feet with every hop.) One jump equals one rep. Perform 20 reps.

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          Source: Women’s Health Mag

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