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How ‘Scream’ Star Sonia Ammar Built A Fitness Routine From The Ground Up

  • Sonia Ammar (22 years old) makes her feature film directorial debut in Scream Today.
  • The model-turned actress sat down Women’s Health To discuss all things fitness and mental well-being.
  • Sonia says that her fitness routine changes all the time. She says, “I try make it fun and do something new every single day.”

    Sonia Ammar is just 22 years old, but she has already started her second career. After years of modeling, she was cast as the star in the movie. ScreamThis marks her official transition to acting.

    Sonia said that the change was exciting because she has always had a passion to theater, but also unexpected. She tells us that there is no way to predict what will happen. Women’s Health.

    But with her big, new role came unexpected challenges—like completely revamping her relationship with exercise. Sonia shares, “When I was younger, I believed that exercise was for weight loss, to keep strong or fit,” she said. “And now I’ve completely changed my perspective on health. I move so that I can mentally feel good.”

    Here’s how Sonia developed a flexible workout routine that keeps Sonia happy.

    Sonia is a frequent changer of her workouts.

    “I think you got to really alternate and try different things,” Sonia tells Women’s Health, “and that’s why I try to make it fun and do something different every day.”

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    Pilates is one of her favorite workouts. She claims that machines like the Reformer or the Chair help tone her entire body. Other days, she uses resistance bands and hand weights to give her a full-body workout.

    The amount of time she spends exercising can change. She might do interval training for an hour or go on a hike. Other days, she might just move her body for 20 minutes. That baseline “has really impacted my mental health,” Sonia adds.

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    Sonia loves intermittent fasting, food-wise.

    While filming Scream,Sonia noticed a shift in her eating habits. “I found that I wasn’t very disciplined with my food,” she says. Between eating whatever was available on set (at all times of the day) and “drinking way too much coffee,” she wasn’t feeling her best.

    She has since quit coffee completely and now follows an intermittent fasting schedule.

    She eats at noon every day and then has a meal whenever it’s convenient for her. “I’m still finding that balance,” she adds. “I don’t think I’ve found the perfect strategy.” Sonia also says she’ll make some breakfast if she wakes up feeling extra hungry—it’s all about “listening to my body and what I need.”

    She’s also working to improve her cooking skills. “I am the worst chef,” Sonia admits. “I love food and I love eating out but I have definitely been embarrassed of my cooking skills.”

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    She has a challenge to cook dinner at the least twice a week. She usually makes a plate of marinated chicken and rice with some vegetables, such as sweet potatoes or zucchini.).

    She’s also been working hard to improve the mental health of her family.

    First, Sonia wakes up using an alarm clock and not her phone. Next, she meditates for five to 10 minutes. Sonia starts the day with this brief routine.

    Sonia enjoys taking time to read, watch TED talks, and go for walks.

    Sonia has been making a significant effort to prioritize her mental health. Sonia is honest about her past experiences with modeling. She felt objectified by the industry because so much attention was placed on her body.

    She’s now focusing on her health and changing her daily routines, after she’s made the transition to acting. The result? “I think the best thing for me that I realized is that accepting your body and accepting the way you look” is key, “but the most important is to fix the way you feel,” she says.

    For the people at the back, shout it louder!

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    Source: Women’s Health Mag

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