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Camila Cabello’s Abs Are Next-Level Toned As She Crushes A Workout In A New IG Vid

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  • Camila Cabello shared a workout video on her Instagram Story.
  • The video features the 24-year-old “Alison” (24 years old).Señorita” songstress is getting a workout in while wearing a black sports bra and patterned biker shorts.
  • Camila works out with Jenna Willis, a celebrity trainer. She also enjoys running.

    Camila Cabello just reposted a new workout video on her Instagram story—and her core and arms are looking beyond strong. The 24-year-old singer was recording herself while working out with Jenna Willis, her trainer. Camila wears a black sports bra and biker briefs to exercise her core.

    Jenna captioned Jenna’s story, “we are here like.”

    Camila enjoys running, paddling, and hiking when she’s not working with Jenna. Camila is active, but she didn’t start exercising until she was a member in her former band, Fifth Harmony.

    Camila Cabello works out regularly with Jenna Willis, a celebrity trainer.

    Interview with Pressparty Camila revealed that a personal trainer was brought on to their team to help them get in shape. “I can remember the first 20 minute because I had never worked out in my entire life. I literally threw up,” she stated.

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    She also told BBC Radio that she’s made improvements to her diet thanks to her ex-boyfriend Shawn Mendes, noting that he’s been a big influence in her fitness journey. “I was not in good health before. I never ate vegetables before. Just like easy vegetables such as cucumbers or cold carrots with Caesar. Which I wouldn’t say are hard vegetables,” she said, per Hola.

    Camila has also been open about how difficult it is to be a public figure. Camila shared a video of herself running after her run on TikTok and became a viral sensation.

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    She talks about a moment in which she realized that she wasn’t “tucking into” her belly. But she quickly remembered that she didn’t have to be ashamed. “…I reminded my body that it is not a good idea to be at war with it. I am grateful to this body for allowing me to do what is necessary. We are real women with curves, cellulite, stretch marks, and fat. And we gotta own that, baby.”

    Camila, that’s a great statement.

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    Source: Women’s Health Mag

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