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At 48, Heidi Klum’s Abs Are Working Overtime In A Hot Pink Tracksuit On IG

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  • Heidi Klum, 48, just showed off her incredible core in a new Instagram picture.
  • In a hot pink, velour tracksuit, she looks amazingly toned and glowing.
  • Heidi says running and a low carb diet are her keys for success in fitness.

    Heidi Klum is the one to bring back velour. In a bright pink tracksuit, the 48-year-old model made a big statement on Instagram.

    Heidi looks radiant in an adidas x Jeremy Scott matching outfit, which includes a crop top with flowy pants. “I can’t take it off 😘💖💖💖💖💖💖💖,” Heidi shared in the caption of her post. While she looked happy and relaxed, I am more focused on her incredible six-pack abs.

    Heidi’s modeling career spans many decades so it’s no surprise she is an expert on fitness and nutrition. Here are the steps she takes to keep her core strong.

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    Heidi used to depend on the workouts she had built with the help from David Kirsch. She now works out with her family or on her own. “I have a treadmill that’s really great, but it sits there unused. I don’t have time for it,” she shared with Women’s Health UK.

    She’s often too busy running outside. Heidi said that her favorite workout is a long run on the Westside Highway which runs along the Hudson River in New York City. Glamour. It’s a beautiful route, and you feel surrounded by an amazing community. I am inspired by the people who run every morning.

    She also enjoys riding her bike along the beach or on the trampoline with her children.

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    Heidi begins her day with a healthy beverage. “One thing [the kids and I] do every morning is have a smoothie,” she said, per WH.The ingredients are all pre-chopped and kept in the fridge. This makes the process quick and easy.

    She might prepare an egg white breakfast omelette with spinach, spring onion, green pepper, and parsley. Lunch is typically a piece Heidi’s favorite protein (chickens, turkeys, or tuna), served with some grains and more vegetables.

    Heidi will eat whatever is green or protein-packed while she’s on set. She avoids carbs when she can. “There’s pasta, bread, chicken, fish and vegetables,” she told WH. “I’ll eat everything but the pasta and bread. Do I want pasta I do. I choose not to eat it.”

    Heidi enjoys a snack of hard boiled eggs or her favorite green juice. It is made with cucumber, spinach and kale. Heidi mixes it up by adding sushi or roasted duck. Dinner is the same food group.

    Heidi is not immune to a sweet tooth from time to time, according TOF. Her favorite desserts range from yogurt and sorbet to 70% dark cocoa. (Maybe that’sWhere does the glow come from? Either way, it’s clearly working for her—and those abs are proof!

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    Source: Women’s Health Mag

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