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4 Things To Know Before Trying Hard Yoga Poses

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There’s no shortage of hard yoga pose #inspo on Instagram these days. But what if you’re ActuallyYou are inspired to make one? Where do you start? We chatted with Megan Hochheimer, founder of Karma Yoga Fitness in Valrico, Florida, who frequently posts her own impressive “physics experiments” (her words) to find out the benefits of pushing the boundaries of your practice, the prerequisites for actually nailing next-level poses, and of course, 20 hard yoga poses to set your sights on along with pro tips, courtesy of Hochheimer. (Be aware that many of these difficult poses have many names; the ones listed here are what Hochheimer calls it.

First and foremost, have fun with it: “Where else can you be a grownup and get to be barefoot and roll around on the floor and breathe as loud as you want? In your yoga practice, all those things are welcomed, so there’s no reason why some of these tricky poses can’t be a fun adventure.”

The Benefits of Hard Yoga Posses

You’ll learn more about your practice.

“Sometimes I’ll see something in a picture and I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, definitely I could do that.’ But then I end up laughing at myself because there’s no way,” Hochheimer says. On the flip side, with good prep work and practice, she’s nailed poses she never thought she’d be capable of. “It’s cool to find where those nuances are in your own body. That self-study is something that is so encouraged in yoga.”

You’ll hone functional strength.

“When you build that strength to get up and down off the ground, balance on one foot or balance on your hands, you’re honing those parts of your physicality that are going to help make all the rest of your activities of daily living so much more enjoyable,” Hochheimer says.

You’ll finesse your proprioception.

You can also improve your proprioception, which can cause balance problems if it is dull. “In most of these tricky poses there is this element of balance, whether one knee is on the ground, one foot is on the ground, you’re arm balancing, or you’re in an inversion,” Hochheimer explains. “When you start to build that, you’re building concentration and proprioception.”

Prerequisites for the Hard Yoga Pose

Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously.

While some poses may take years to master, others can be done quickly. “What’s really important is that we don’t take ourselves too seriously about any of it,” Hochheimer says. “If you’re going to approach this in a really competitive way, sometimes that invites injury. Whereas if you approach it in a playful way, and just stay with yourself through the process, I think that it’s a very healthy exploration.”

Bail like a Kid

This is what you need to know GoingArm balances and inversions can cause you to fall. “All of us who have learned how to do them fall in one way or another, so the more you can understand your body mechanics and how you do that, the safer you can be when you do have to bail.” When you’re a little kid, you’re riding your bike, you fall off, you roll into the grass and you’re not hurt that badly. Do some cartwheels or rolls on the ground before trying any of these poses. This will help you get in touch with your body and practice safely falling.

You are the best, ReallyWarm up.

The better you warm up, the better you’ll be able to get into these poses. And not for nothing, Hochheimer notes that they’ll look more aesthetically pleasing to boot. A 10-minute vigorous flow should get your heart rate up and muscles warm but be sure to specifically target the areas you’ll use in each pose as well.

Make videos or photos.

“Sometimes in my head I thought things were going to look one way, but then they look a different way in a picture or video,” Hochheimer says. “Viewing them afterwards helps me to make tiny adjustments or understand that I need to do my homework and develop more triceps strength with decline push-ups, or foam roll, or whatever it is. That helps you learn because you’re not just then repetitively going back into these patterns of failure.”

Practice—And Consider Pro Help.

Remember: These are hard yoga poses! “With all yoga, a lot of it is practice so just keep coming back to it,” Hochheimer says. You can learn more safely and quickly by working with an experienced teacher.


Kneeling Compass Pose

Pro Tip – This hybrid pose requires a lot more flexibility in the hamstrings and core strength. It’s also a relatively big twist. Preparation for this is to lay on your back, with your right leg exposed. Hold and then switch legs. Side planks with your top arm reaching up overhead will help strengthen your core. If necessary, you can use padding under the knees.


Fallen Compass

Pro Tip: This tricky “fallen” variation marries Compass and Bridge poses. Before you attempt to do this, warm up your hamstrings by doing lateral bending.


Bound Forward Fold

Pro Tip: This one belongs in the Kneeling Compass family (and it’s a preparation for Bird of Paradise). This one has a bind. This means you have to rotate your shoulders twice internally. To make it easier to access, you can hold the strap in your hands as it crosses your back.


Super Soldier

Pro Tip: Start by approaching this pose from a Lizard Lunge. Next, place your arm under the leg and then walk the back foot in. If you are worried about falling, lean against the wall.


Half Moon Variation

Pro Tip – Prepare for this one with a Forward Fold and placing your hands under the feet.


Side Plank with Big Toe Grab

Pro Tip: Here, you’re working internal rotation of one leg, external rotation of the other, core strength, and balance. The Pose of Infinity is the best way to prepare for this pose: Place your left hand on your right side and hold a yoga belt in your left. Your right arm or hand should support your head. Keep your body straight by extending both legs. Reach down and pull the left leg into the strap. Slowly extend your left leg towards the ceiling by slowly extending it. Use the strap in the left hand to control the stretch. Hold the left foot up and keep your torso and right limb stable. Repeat the process for the other side.


Flying Split (Eka Pada Koundinyasana)

Pro Tip: This balance-challenging position is a companion to Kneeling Compass, because it requires the same joint actions and hamstring flexibility as the Kneeling Compass. External rotation of the top leg, internal rotation the bottom leg. Preparation: Do Chaturanga or tricep pushups.


Stag Leg Pincha

Pro Tip: Your scapular stability is the most important thing to focus on when you are doing forearm stands. Do this with Dolphin Pose or forearm planek with scapular elevation and depression. This pose can be practiced against a wall.


Mermaid Dancer Pose

Pro Tip: Before you attempt this pose, make sure to strengthen your quadriceps flexibility and balance.

For a quadriceps stretch you could stand facing a wall and place your right foot in front of your right foot. For support, slide your left arm up the wall. As you balance on your left leg, bend your left knee to support the left knee. Slowly lift the right leg behind you and gently kick the right foot into the right-hand to engage the muscles. Repeat the same process for the other side. Instead of leaning forward, focus on creating lift through your torso. The wall can be used as a guide.


Split Pose Version

Pro Tip: Before you attempt this pose, make sure to strengthen your quad, hamstring, and hip mobility. You could also try Pigeon Pose, or half splits using blocks.


Baby Crow Pose

Pro Tip: If there’s a pose here to try first, it’s this one. It looks deceptively difficult but is easy for most people to do. It’s almost like a flying Child’s Pose. Begin by starting in a forearm bent plank. Next, extend your feet a bit wider and then tippy toe in until your knees touch your back. Next, shift your weight forward by moving into a Cat spine.


Funky Flying Crow

Pro Tip – Every person will have a different relationship between your elbow and your hands. Play around with the position of your palm in that hand. Forearm planks that have hip dips side-to-side and slow mountain climbers are great ways to build strength.


Tippy Forearm Hopper

Pro Tip: This variation is similar to the one above but with a Figure Four leg variation. Standing in Figure-Four, squat, then bring your left upper arm to the bottom of your left forearm.


Side Crow Variation

Pro Tip – Start in Eagle Pose. Then, turn to the left and lower your hands to floor. You can then shift your weight forward and lift up your feet.


Baby Grasshopper

Pro Tip: Place your right leg in front of you and place your left foot on the floor. Step your left foot over your right leg and turn your torso to the side so that your hands meet the floor with the left foot. Press your elbows into the hands and bend your elbows to chaturanga (the upper arm parallel to floor). Engage your inner thigh to lift the right foot up. To do this, you can use a block underneath the right hip. As the left hand grasps the right bigtoe, lean forward towards the right inner arm.


Eight Angle Pose

Pro Tip: This one grows from the Baby Grasshopper. As preparation, work on your Chaturanga and tricep pushups. Then, focus on tightening your inner thighs while in the pose.


Tripod Headstand Variation

Pro Tip: Before you attempt this one, work on your scapular mobility. To do this, place a yoga block between your hands at the highest angle. With straight arms, try to “push” the block towards the ceiling without shrugging your shoulders up around your ears. As you “pull” the block back down, don’t bend the elbows but do use the back muscles to create the sensation of the pull. Keep squeezing both hands on the block throughout the movement. Repeat the process several times to mobilize the scapulars.


Peacock Pose

Pro Tip: Remember that your legs are just as strong when you get upside down as they were when you were standing on them—keep them super active in this pose.


Fingertip Peacock Pose Variation

Pro tip: Sometimes, it can feel impossible to move around in a difficult position. However, you can always go back to the physics behind the pose. To avoid wrist pain and maximum grounding, you should check how your support hand is turned so that you can enter the Peacock variations with one arm. Bring the support arm to your ribs. Turn the hand so that the fingers face away. Then, experiment with walking to the fingertips of the other hand until you find the best hand position.


Camel Variation

Pro Tip: Camel Pose allows for a great opening in the front of our bodies that can sometimes get tight with more strenuous Vinyasa. This arm variation is a great shoulder stretch, so make sure to warm your shoulders before you try it.

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Source: Women’s Health Mag

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