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This 10-Minute Lower Abs Workout Fires Up Those Tough-To-Reach Core Muscles

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You might want to change up your abs routine if you feel like you aren’t making progress lately or if you’re feeling a bit stale. Turns out, all abs routines are not created equal—different moves target different pieces of your core. The best lower abs exercises for women are actually ones that hit *all* of your core.

Kristina Earnest, AFAA and NASM, creator of Kristina Earnest On Demand app, says that “your core in general” is made up of a few pieces. There’s the transverse and rectus abdominal muscles, as well the obliques and rectus abdominis. Earnest explains that lower abs are located within the rectus abdominalis. This is the first layer that runs down the front. These are the muscles that people associate with abs. Why not focus on lower abs?

Earnest says that strengthening your lower abs can help you get a six pack and improve your posture. Emily Fayette (Flywheel instructor, founder of Healthy Hustle) says that strengthening your lower abdominals will stabilize your core and improve your balance.

Lower abs have a reputation of being difficult toned. Earnest said that it is difficult to target lower abs as a specific. This is because it can be difficult for lower abs to be isolated while working out. Here are the best lower abs exercises. AllYou will see results in record time if you place your emphasis on the rectus abdominis muscles. Earnest says consistency is key. Earnest says that while everyone’s fitness journeys are different, she noticed a difference in her lower abdomen after four weeks.

She also shared her key to getting the most out your lower abs workouts: Picture yourself swimming at the beach when you think about engaging those muscles. To avoid being swept over by a huge wave, keep your core engaged as you face the waves. ThoseEarnest suggests that your lower abs are the most important. “Tightening your core is going to help get the most out from your session.”

How to Engage the Lower Abs

  • Use the mind-muscle connection.Simone Tchouke (CPT), a Los Angeles-based certified functional strengthening coach, said that focusing on the lower abs while performing the below exercises can help activate them. “Stay in the moment and think about what you’re doing, like ‘I’m trying to engage my core.’”
  • Slow down. “When I have people do dead bugs, they often go really, really fast and they don’t feel it,” says Tchouke. “But when I have them do it slowly, after 10 reps, they’re definitely going to feel the core.”
  • Simply breathe. You want to exhale during the “work” part of the movement—so when you sit up in a crunch, for example. It is enough to get more out each exercise by remembering to breathe, not hold your breath.

A 10-Minute Lower Abs Exercise

Time: 10 Minutes

Equipment:Dumbbell (optional), mini-band, kettlebell (optional), resistance bands, mini-band

Useful for:Lower abs

Instructions: Select five moves from the list below, chosen by Earnest, Fayette, and Tchouke. Complete each move for 50 seconds. After that, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat the entire circuit twice.

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How to:Place your hands on the ground and bend down to reach your knees. Place your hands under your shoulders. Step your feet back one by one. To increase stability, place your feet farther apart than they are at the hips. For more challenge, bring them closer. Keep your gaze straight down from your heels to the floor. Now, tighten the abdominals, quads, and glutes.


Glute Bridge

How to:With your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, lie on your back. Your glutes should be squeezed and you should lift your hips off the ground until your body forms an even line from your knees to where your shoulders are. Then, pause at the top and then lower down to the starting place.


Split Stance Hinge with Reach

How to:Your feet should be hip width apart. Move your right foot two steps back and lift your heel to balance on your ball of the foot. It’s almost like a kickstand. With your head flat, incline forward to your hips so your torso is parallel to ground. Next, extend your arms outward until your biceps reach your ears. Then, return to standing.


Half Turkish Get Up

How to:With your right leg straight on the ground and your arm at a 45-degree angle to your body, place your left leg bent so that your foot is flat on floor. The left arm should be extended toward the ceiling and you can hold a dumbbell or kettlebell. Keep your weight in mind and press right arm into right arm. Next, lift your right forearm up and sit up. Next, lift your hips up by pressing right palm against left foot. Keep right leg straight. Slowly reverse the movement until you return to your starting position.


Lower Staggered Leg

How to:Lay flat on your back, hands at your sides, and extend your legs with a looped resistance band. Lift your legs straight up, so they form an angle of 90 degrees with your torso. Next, lift your head, neck, shoulders and gaze towards your thighs. This is your starting position. Keep your legs straight with tension in the resistanceband. However, separate your heels so that the right foot is closer to the body than its left. Now, lower your legs towards the floor. To return to the beginning, move your right foot just above the ground. Continue with the opposite foot.


Bird Dog

How to: Start on all fours. Place your hands directly below your shoulders. A resistance band is tied around your feet. Keep your stomach in and then lift your opposite arm up and one leg straight out. Keep your spine aligned and bring your elbow towards your knee.


Dead Bug

How to: With your legs bent 90 degrees, lie face up on the floor. Keep your back in contact with the floor. Brace your core and lower your right leg until it touches the floor. Your left arm should touch the floor. Then, pause and return to the beginning.


Frog Crunch

How to:Place your arms out in front of you. Your heels should be pressed together. Your legs should be extended outwards, with your heels pressed together. Next, bring them back to the beginning.


Flutter Kick

How to: With your hands at your sides, lie on your back. Straighten your legs and extend your legs at a 45-degree angle. Slowly lift your legs up and then lower them at different times.


Assisted Crunches

How to: Begin by lying down on your back, legs extended (knees above hips), arms bent at 90 degrees, hands rounded, and your hands resting on the backs of your thighs, just below the knees. Core to curl forward, so that your head, shoulders, upper back, and neck lift off the ground, and towards your knees, as your elbows bend outwardly. Then lower your back a bit and then move forward (i.e. pulsing).


Scissor Kick

How to: With your arms extended, lie on your back. Your legs should be lifted to a 45 degree angle with the ground. Keep your legs straight and cross your legs over one another. Then, switch legs.


Mountain Climber

How to: With your arms straighten, get into a pushup position. Keep your body straight from the top of your head to the bottom. Keep your right knee straight and your arch in the lower back at the same time as you raise your right leg toward your chest. Retrace your steps and then pause.


Side to side tap

How to: Place your arms at the sides of your body and place your back on it. Lift your legs so that they are at 45 degrees with the ground. Keep your legs straight and raise your right leg. For a moment, pause and then return to center. Repeat the process on the opposite side.


Side Plank

How to: Start by lying on your back, with your right forearm parallel with the top of the mat. Place your left elbow under your shoulder. To extend your legs straighten your hips and lift your hips off the mat, keep your body in a long line from head-to-heel.


Standing Knee Drive

How to: Stand straight up with your right foot a few feet behind your left. Your arms should be raised in the air. Bend your back knee, and drive it forward until your thigh meets your body. Keep your arms straight and bring your arms down. Once your firsts reach your knee, stop.


Lateral Lunge Knee Drive

How to: Start standing. Step to your side, extending your right leg straight up, pushing your hips back. Lower your body until your right leg is bent 90°. Transfer your weight to the left leg and drive right knee up until it reaches hip height. Return to the beginning


Toe Touch

How to:With your hands behind you head, lie on your back, your legs straight out in front of you. Lift your arms up and touch your toes with your hands.


Beast Hold

How to: On your knees, place your shoulders over your wrists. Your right hand should hold a small band, which is attached to an object to your right. As you pull the band taut, lift your knees off of the floor and hover them for a while. Return to the beginning.


Bicycle Crunch

How to:Your lower back should be pressed into the mat. Place your fingers behind your head by interlacing them. Place your legs in a tabletop position. Lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Straighten your right leg while turning your upper body left. Your right elbow should point towards your left leg. Switch sides and do the same.


Standing Russian Twist

How to:Start standing with one dumbbell between your fingers. Lift your right leg so it forms an angle of 90 degrees. Keep your lower body still. Next, turn your body to the left. Next, turn to the right.

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Source: Women’s Health Mag

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