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No Fitness Tool Fires Up The Entire Core Like A Mini Resistance Band Does


Time: 15-30 minutes

Equipment:Mini resistance band

Useful for: Core

Instructions: Pick five exercises from this list. Each exercise should be performed for 30-45 seconds,With proper form, control and focus, complete as many reps of each exercise as possible. 15 secondsYou should take breaks between moves. Repeat your total circuit 3-4Resting between when necessary.

Kelsey Sheahan Personal trainer and cofounder at Sweat Den, crThis Killer Core workout is part of the WHTotal-Body Band Challenge

Standing March

How to:Spread your arms out in front of yourself, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart. Keep your right knee bent toward your chest and move to the left.

Standing Side Bend

How to: Stand hip-width apart with your feet together, with the band part under your left foot, and the other part in your left hand. Keep right hand behind your head. Keep glutes engaged. Bend to the left and use your core to get back to center. This is one rep.Do 30-45 seconds each side before switching.

Sumo Side Bend

How to: Sumo squat position: Toes slightly outward, place one half of the band under the left foot and one in the left hand. Place right hand behind your head. Keep your knees bent, core engaged and your head in line with the ground as you bend to the right. As you return to center, keep tension on your band. This is one rep.Do 30-45 seconds each side before switching.

Side Lunge Oblique Crunch

How to: Keep your feet wider than your hips and bend right leg to form a lateral lunge. Place one end of the band under your right foot and the other in your right hand. Place your left hand behind your head. Keep your core engaged and stay low as you side bend to left. Pull up on the band as soon as you get back center. This is one rep.Do 30-45 seconds each side before switching.

Kneeling Oblique Crunch

How to: Place your left leg on your right knee, and then extend your right leg out to the side. Wrap one end of the band around your right foot. The other end is in your right hand. Place your left hand behind your head and then bend to the left. Return to where you started. This is one rep. Do 30-45 seconds on each side before switching.

Trainer tip: For an even greater burn, slow down and control your reps.

Side Plank High Pull

Howe to: Begin in a side plank, with the band under your left hand on the floor. The other end should be in your right hand. Keep your elbow in the plank while you pull up the right hand with the band. Return to where you started. This is one rep. Do not stop moving for between 30-45 seconds on each side.

Trainer tip:Need a modification Do the move from the knees.

Seated Roll-Up

How to: Begin by lying on your back with your legs bent. Wrap your wrists around your wrists and raise your arms. Start rolling up, keeping your biceps close to your ears and tension in band. Slowly roll your spine down to return to the starting position. This is one rep.

Alternating Bow-And Arrow Pull for Seated

How to: Place your hands around your thumbs and extend your arms out to the sides. Round your pelvis so that your leggings tag is closer to the ground. Keep your left arm straight as you draw right elbow down towards the floor. Repeat with the left elbow. This is one rep. Continue alternating.

Double Leg Curls

How to: Lay on your back, and then bring your legs and arms in tight so you are chin to chest. Place the band around thumbs and reach your fingers towards your shins. Keep your arms and legs extended, then curl into a tight ball while keeping your tension on the band. This is one rep.

Trainer tip: For an extra challenge, lift your tailbone to bring your limbs back into their starting position.

Lying on a ‘V’ Tap

How to: Begin by lying down on your back. Wrap your legs around your thighs and place your legs on the tabletop. Spread your hands behind your head, extending your elbows out to the sides. Bring your chin to the chest. As you extend your legs out in a V, tap your toes to the floor. Return to the top of the table. This is one rep.

Reverse Bicycle

How to: Face up, with your hands behind your head and your legs extended.
high diagonal. Rotate your upper body to the left by bending your left knee towards your chest. Return to the beginning and alternate sides. This is one rep. Continue alternating.

Tailbone Curl

How to:Place your back on the ground, with your legs crossed over your feet. Keep your hips slightly wider than your hips in a V. This is one rep.

High Plank Spider Crunch

How to: Start in a plank with band around feet. From right knee to right elbow, draw right knee. Turn right and go back to plank. This is one rep. Continue alternating.

Forearm Plank Taps

How to: Start in a forearm plank with band on floor an arm’s length in front of you. Tap the band with your right hand. Return to the beginning and continue with the other hand. This is one rep. Continue alternating.

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    Source: Women’s Health Mag

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