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7 Products I Use Every Day for Anxiety Relief


The Everygirl’s product selections are curated by the editorial team. We may earn an affiliate fee if you buy through our links. We only recommend products that we truly love.

I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have anxiety. It has been manifested in many ways over time, including panic attacks that would make me cry on the floor, social events where I would feel out-of-place, and just everyday life where I worried about the future and the past. It got to the point that it was becoming debilitating. I decided I would do some research to find out how I could cope. It turns out that anxiety can affect everything. 18% of the populationEvery year, many people live without the tools to help them. Anxiety is a very common problem, but it shouldn’t be a major factor in our daily lives.

Other than lifestyle changes, therapy and talking to my doctor (which is something I highly recommend), I found some products that were effective in keeping anxious feelings at bay. Did my anxiety go away overnight? It didn’t happen overnight, but I can now approach it differently. I feel more in control and ready to deal with my anxiety. There are many tools that can help you with anxiety relief, regardless of what type you have. These are the products I use every day to help with anxiety.


Set of 2 Dynamic Roller Duo

High-stress moments are common in life, from first dates to big meetings to social events and first dates. The Equilibria CBD rollers have been a lifesaver for me when I’m constantly on the move and feel anxiety creeping in (often at the most inconvenient times). They are easy to use, effective, and quick to regulate my mood.

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Weighted Blanket

A gravity blanket has been an excellent tool in my fight against anxiety. When I have anxiety and am trying to sleep, I find that my heart rate drops immediately after I place my gravity blanket over me. The weighted blanket creates the feeling of being hugged and releases the relaxation hormones serotonin & melatonin.


Essential Oils

Studies have shown that positive emotions can be linked to smells. To ease anxiety, I diffuse essential oils using a diffuser. The oils Ylang Ylang and vetiver, in particular, can have calming effects.

Parsley Health

Magnesium Glycinate

The magnesium stores can be depleted by stress. I find that taking a magnesium supplement before bed helps me sleep better. There are many types of magnesium, but a magnesium glycinate supplements is the best for sleep. It is well-known for its calming properties. However, it is best to consult your doctor before you start taking any new supplements.

Therapy Notebooks

The Anti-Anxiety Journal

Sometimes, it is best to just let go of all the thoughts and feelings that overwhelm you. Journaling is a great way to self-reflect and also helps you get rid of anxious thoughts. Writing down everything every day makes me feel lighter and more relaxed.

Coloring Book for Adults

Remember when adult coloring books were hugely popular a few years ago? Well, there’s a reason for it. Coloring is a great way for the brain to be distracted from all the stressors. Plus, they are low-pressure fun!


Meditation App

An app that allows you to meditate is my favorite tool for managing anxiety. The Unplug App makes it possible to meditate from anywhere, at any time. Whether it’s for five minutes in the morning, two minutes before a big meeting, or at night to fall asleep, there’s a meditation for every type of situation.


These 5 changes completely transformed my mental health


This post contains a sponsored addition of Equilibria. All opinions in it are those of The Everygirl editorial team.


Source: The Every Girl

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