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13 Ways to (Actually) Do a Life Cleanse

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Sure, you’ve heard of (and probably dread) spring cleaning, when you organize the junk drawer, flip the mattress, and deep clean your bathroom, but we also stan a cleaning at the beginning of the year that cleanses more than just the home. Take a cue from nature: The trees have shed their leaves and the calendar is leaving behind a year, so why shouldn’t we? The beginning of a new calendar is a perfect time to let go physical, mental, as well as emotional toxins. So what’s the best way to do a life cleanse during a time when we’re always distracted, on the go, stressed, or busy? These 13 holistic challenges can be done simultaneously or one day at a time to Marie-Kondo your health and well-being.


1. Simplify your diet

When it comes to cleansing nutrition, a juice cleanse doesn’t have to (and shouldn’t) be your go-to. Instead of trying a completely new diet, Simplify your diet. Reduce your consumption of processed foods, frozen meals, and a variety of dips, sauces, dressings, etc., which all have many ingredients. Whole foods that come directly from the earth, not from a factory, should be prioritized. You should ensure that the majority of your grocery shopping cart is in the produce section. Whole ingredients such as herbs, spices, and olive oil can make meals more flavorful. Although you may be choosing processed foods to simplify your life or make mealtime easier, I assure you that fresh, whole ingredients will taste great. Way simpler than an ingredients list that you can’t pronounce. 



2. Refresh your personal finances

Money is not just something you make and then spend; it’s your life’s energy force. You can think of money as an exchange for the effort and energy that we put in every week. Take a look at your bank accounts and credit card statements to reevaluate how you’re spending your life’s energy. Does it matter? Really bring you joy to go to drinks with the friend you don’t have fun with or to buy the top you’ll never end up wearing? Managing money based on what does and doesn’t bring you joy will reduce stress that comes with spending money on the vacations, items, and experiences that you truly love.

If money is a consistent source of stress for you and you feel like you’re always coming from a “lack” energy instead of an abundance energy, try cleansing your spendings. Temporarily cancel recurring charges, increase your savings by 5%, order out less, or designate certain days of the week where you won’t spend any money. Consider investing the money you save by getting a gym membership or buying that. online courseYou can save more for the future by putting more money in your savings account. The more money you invest in something, the more likely it is that you will make it a priority. 


3. Stress reduction and the elimination of negative emotions 

You’ve probably heard of a juice detox, but what about an emotional detox? Sometimes, it is necessary to put extra effort into removing mental impurities. An emotional detox does not aim to eliminate all negative emotions. However, it is a way to get rid of stagnant emotions. Make a list of negative emotions and create a plan of attack for when they come up. Or, you could go on a complete complaint cleansing. Stress is a major (and unavoidable) part of mental health. Make sure to cleanse it. Schedule downtime and breaks into your schedule to reduce stress and forgive yourself and others for making mistakes.


4. Reassess your relationship

You should unfollow toxic people, online and offline. Make a list of the people you come in contact with most often—including friends, roommates, family, coworkers, etc.—and ask how you feel being with each person. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you should only be giving your precious energy and time to people who are Deserving. That means people you’re proud to be around, people who bring you joy, and people who make you feel loved. If you find that some unavoidable people don’t fall into this category (like a jealous coworker or a toxic family member), you can still consciously decide to give them less thought and energy, even if they still require your time. 



5. Make sure your space is tech-free

Sadly, technology is a big part of cleansing because it’s a big part of our lives. Technology is sometimes necessary, but it’s not always easy to avoid. We need to earn a living and communicate with our loved ones.), try to designate one space in your home that’s tech-free. To make sure that Netflix, Instagram, and Slack are not allowed in your home, you can use the bedroom, kitchen table or corner where you keep a meditation pillow and yoga mat. Having this tech-free space will remind you to have some “off” time every day, whether it’s during dinner with your significant other, while meditating and working out, or right before bed.


6. Cleanse your social media

If you are interested in a tech-free zone, consider a social media detox. This will allow you to delete all life-sucking apps. For a set period, you can unplug your phone from the internet. Be mindful of how you can keep social media clean even after the detox is finished. Utilize the mute or unfollow button for accounts that don’t inspire you, stop checking your phone first thing in the morning, and turn off all notifications (yes, I said “all”). When your notifications are on, whether it’s a like on Instagram or an iMessage, you’re no longer in charge of your own life and habits. The phone buzzes or lights up to tell you when it’s time to check your texts or Instagram feed instead of being able to choose when is best for you to check your phone. 


7. Donate “excess” clothes

You knew that the organization would have to go on a life-cleanse at some point. Or you would, if you were a binger). Get Organized with the Home EditI did it in one day. In my opinion, the closet is the most important space to start with, as it’s often a representation of what we need to let go of. For example, donate or sell clothes that don’t fit. Period. Holding onto items you hope you’ll fit into one day is only stopping you from loving, accepting, and dressing for who you are right now. Also, in the most Mario-Kondo fashion ever, get rid of what doesn’t spark joy. Even clothing items should have value. For example, a warm sweater that keeps you warm or a sparkling necklace that makes it happy. Or a dress that reminds of the shopping trip you took along with your mom. If they don’t, time to make room for something that will. 



8. Refine decision making 

Every day we make many decisions, even within the first few minutes of our awakening. These include whether to hit snooze or not, what to wear, and when to turn the coffee maker on. The small decisions add up and can make it so overwhelming that it becomes impossible to make even the most basic of decisions. Decision fatigue is real, people. Keep up with healthy habits to improve your overall well-being and keep you on track, and limit your decision making. Meal prep all your lunches, sign up for workout classes in advance (or put a workout in your calendar), do the dishes right after dinner to eliminate the choice to do them later, and try a go-to outfit formula so you don’t have to think about what to wear. 


9. Get sweaty

The word “detox” has basically lost its meaning since it has become one of the most overused buzzwords in the wellness space. However, there’s one sneaky method that can Actually Help your body eliminate toxins. It’s not a juice cleanse. Dr. Chris Airey, MD, the medical director at Optimale and a practicing physician with the NHS, explained that sweat is a crucial part of the body’s detoxification process. When you work up a sweat during a workout sesh or steam shower, you’re not only sweating out electrolytes and water, but you’re also sweating out toxins (BRB, signing up for hot yoga!).

That’s right: The embarrassing stuff you try to prevent with antiperspirant can help your body rid itself of toxins. Add “detoxing” to the long list of reasons to exercise. If you’re not exercising regularly or prefer low-impact workouts that don’t break a sweat, try taking a steam shower or finding a sauna near you. 



10. Spend some time in silence

When’s the last time you actually sat in silence and did Nothing? Yes, that’s without your phone displaying Instagram or TV. To declutter our minds, sitting in silence is one the best and most important things we can do. This is similar to plugging your phone into the charger when it runs out of battery. When the brain is always on it doesn’t get a chance for it to shut down. Relax on the couch, stare at the fireplace, and spend two minutes taking in every smell, sight, and sound. Or, you could sit on a park bench to take in the sights and sounds, or meditate. The more you feel uncomfortable sitting in silence, the more you will likely need it. 


11. Reassess the schedule

That’s right: You can (and should) detox your schedule too. Try looking through a few days or a week of your planner to get a better understanding of what you’re doing all day, every day. If you don’t schedule and plan out every second of your entire life like I do, consider tracking every activity and task for a couple of days to get a good understanding of how you spend your time. You can include everything, from work projects to a quick Instagram post. Once you know exactly how you’re spending your day or week, reassess what’s really worth your time and energy. Find the time that feels like a waste and reevaluate how you can fill it differently to make you happier. 



12. Get indoor plants

You don’t have to have an inherent green thumb to know that plants bring, attract, and give off good energy. It’s believed that they ease stress, purify the air, and help increase productivity. In other words, a plant in your workspace or home can simultaneously reduce stress levels and improve work quality. Don’t have much of a green thumb? Click here for how to keep your indoor plants alive or check out these houseplants that you won’t kill (promise!). And if you’re Really not about that plant life, some affordable fake plants couldn’t hurt (if nothing else, they’ll look really pretty).


13. Get rid of the toxins in your sleep 

I like to say, “Everything starts in the bedroom.” Get your mind out of the gutter—not like ThatThis is possible, although it might not be true. I am referring here to the fact that sleep plays a crucial role in our overall well being. Overexposure to light, stress at work and Netflix binges (curse them), all contribute to poor sleep quality. Squid GamesPeople are increasingly relying on coffee to get them through their day. A cleansed life requires that you get at least seven to nine hours of coffee a day. QualitySleep every night. If you’re not waking up refreshed and staying energized throughout the day, your sleep (or lack thereof) might be to blame. Your sleep routine can be detoxed by limiting light at night, improving your sleep environment, and adhering to a sleep schedule.


5 Ways to Detox by Tomorrow


Source: The Every Girl

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