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10 Lower-Body Resistance Band Exercises To Tone Your Legs And Glutes

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Time: 15 to 30 minutes

Equipment:Mini resistance band

This is a great place to: Lower body

Instructions: Choose Choose five exercises from the following list. Each exercise should be performed for 30-45 seconds,With proper form, control and focus, complete as many reps of each exercise as possible. 15 secondsYou should take breaks between moves. Repeat your total circuit 3-4There are times when you need to rest.

Kelsey Sheahan Personal trainer and cofounder at Sweat Den, crThis Booty Burn workout is part of the The Effie WHTotal-Body Band Challenge

Alternating Squat step-Out

How to:Standing straight up, with your feet slightly shorter than your hips, place your feet just above your ankles. As you lower into a squat, step to the right. Stand and return to your starting position. That’s just one.Continue to alternate directions.

Trainer tip: Use a heavier resistance band to strengthen your lower-body muscles.

Low Side Steps

How to: Begin in a squat position with your band around your ankles. Keep your feet hip-width apart. Take two steps to the right while remaining low. Then, take two more steps to the left and two to the side. That’s just one.Continue to alternate directions.

Kickstand Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

How to: Standing straight up, with your feet together, place your right foot forward and your left foot back on the ball of you foot. One part of the band should be around your right foot. The other part should be in your left hand. Keep tension on the band by bending forward and pushing your hips back. This is one rep.Do 30 to 45 seconds each side.

      Curtsy Lunge Featuring Low Side Kick

      How to: Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, and wrap a resistance band around your thighs. Stand straight up and extend your right foot in a curtsy lunge. Next, lift your right leg off the ground and do a low diagonal kick. That’s just one.Do 30 to 45 seconds each side.

      Trainer tip:Do you and the band not jib? You can do the moves without it until your body feels comfortable with them. After the first week, add a medium to light band.

      Stay-Low Curtsy Lunge

      How to: Start by extending your left foot forward and putting your arms around your thighs. As you step right foot into a curtsy lune position, keep your chest up and your feet low. Return to where you started. This is one rep.Do 30 to 45 seconds each side.

      Reverse Lunge To Airplane

      How to: Step right leg back into an inverted lunge, hands at your heart, band around your thighs. Your body should be able to propel forward, so your front foot is parallel with the floor. Your arms should be extended back by your hips. Return to a lunge if you have control. That’s just one. Perform the following moves for 30-45 second on both sides.

      Reverse Lunge March

      How to: Begin in a reverse lunge. Hands in a prayer. Band around thighs. Begin to feel a pulse in the lunge position. Next, step back one inch and then out one inch. Do this for 30-45 seconds each side.

      Donkey Kick Toe Tap

      How to: Place left elbow on the floor from tabletop position. Place left elbow on the tabletop. Wrap band around left knee or around right thigh if you are using a fabric band. Straighten right leg and lift right leg up to a high point. Bend right knee towards right elbow. Next, extend your leg back to a high diagonal and tap toes to the floor. That’s one rep. Do 30-45 seconds on each side.

      Trainer tip: Try a fabric band, which typically features a grippy material to help it stay put, if your plastic one keeps rolling up.

      Side-Lying Knee Circles

      How to: With band around thighs, lie on left side, knees bent. Raise top leg to hip height and trace basketball-size circles for 30-45 seconds in both directions. Perform move on both sides.

      Single-Leg Glute Bridge

      How to: With band around thighs, lie down on your back, legs bent, feet hip-width apart. Lift hips up into a bridge pose and extend left leg to ceiling. Lower and lift hips. That’s all.. Do this for 30-45 seconds each side.

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      Source: Women’s Health Mag

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