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Here’s why we need to have more conversations about mental health


In recent years, many local celebrities have spoken out publicly about their mental health issues. Jeanette Aw and Michelle Chong are two examples of local celebrities who have shared their stories about their battle with depression. Even business leaders like Piyush Gupta (CEO of DBS Group) and Chng Kai Fong (ex-Managing Director of the Economic Development Board), have spoken out about their mental health issues.

But when we were compiling the Her World Health and Wellness Report 2022 – where we surveyed over 6,000 women in Singapore – 51 per cent of respondents said that they would rather solve their own problems before asking for help. According to an article in The Straits Times dated October 2020, Sandpiper Communications conducted a survey of young people and found that they are still uncomfortable discussing their mental well-being, despite the increase in stress due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

If it is normal for public figures to talk about their mental health, then why are we still uncomfortable discussing these topics?

Stigmas persist

It turns out that while more people are willing to share their experiences, stigmatizations surrounding mental health conditions still persist and the public’s perception of mental illness has a long way ahead.

“Although there is more awareness about these conditions, many people still do not possess a good understanding of them. For example, there is uncertainty on how depression or anxiety actually looks like, or the many forms they can take,” says Dr Annabelle Chow, a clinical psychologist at Annabelle Psychology. She adds that despite the distinct differences between various disorders, they are often categorised as a whole, and that those with mental health issues are commonly portrayed in the media as “dangerous or unhinged”. Both can be classified as mood disorders. Depression is often associated with sadness, while anxiety is associated more with fear and worry.

“As such, people still fear the judgement of others, like being viewed as ‘less’. They might also feel that it is useless to talk about their issues as it does not make them go away.” Her sentiments are echoed by Pearlene Lim, a senior clinical psychologist at Promises Healthcare. “In my experience, stigmas are one of the biggest reasons why many people refrain from speaking openly about their mental health struggles. I personally see this more in adults than in young people, as adults typically have ‘more to lose’, like their relationships or careers,” she says.

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Jean* (not her real name), 32, is one such example. The marketing manager – who has been at her job for the past three years and on antidepressants for the past four years – shares that she has asked her supervisor for mental health days, but that “more often than not, they are not approved”. She lets on that she does not tell her colleagues about these requests as she does not want them to view her “in a
less favourable light”.

Although not all workplaces support mental health issues, there are increasing numbers of companies that recognize the importance of providing care for their employees.

“One of my managers used to say, ‘People first, and profits will follow.’ Organisations that prioritise employee well-being, and have diversity, equity, and inclusion policies in place, are likely to find that these policies are lower-cost solutions that could have significant ROI in the long term,” says Eugenia Ng, director at recruitment firm Michael Page Singapore.

In fact, a recent US-based study by investment and insurance company The Hartford found that 71 per cent of employees claimed that deteriorating mental health had an adverse effect on the company’s financials.

Awareness is lacking

If the desire to deal with one’s mental health privately does not stem from discomfort, then it might simply be that we are not aware that our mental health is on the decline.

“We generally don’t know what we don’t know, and if symptoms are mild and/or infrequently experienced, it may be easy to dismiss them as something else. Many mental health disorders are co-occurring or have overlapping symptoms with other diseases, mental or physical. This can make it hard to recognise that we are suffering from mental health issues,” says Pearlene.

She explained that most people only realize there is an issue when they are experiencing significant functional impairments, such as being unable or unable to work or do daily activities.

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“For example, in the case of dysthymia [a mild but long-term form of depression], patients may think that feeling ‘this way’ is normal as they are less functionally impaired compared to someone with major depressive disorder.”

She says that they were raised in a home where there was a lot of family conflict. This makes them feel normal.

“They typically can function well and, only when comparing situations when talking to friends, realise that their emotional responses to stressors are significantly worse. It is when they are encouraged to see professionals that they realise they have a mental health issue.”

Get help if you are in need

Family and friends are an important source of support. However, trained professionals can offer a non-biased perspective.

“Psychologists are trained to identify and change certain thought and behavioural patterns that contribute to a person’s distress. We also equip them with skills to not only cope with the challenges they might face, but also to grow and thrive, improving their overall quality of life,” says Dr Chow. Online therapy is also an option. This service is offered by telehealth companies based in Singapore, such as Safe Space, Whitecoat, and Lavica.

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“Online telehealth sessions are becoming commonplace and studies have shown that, in many circumstances, they can be an effective alternative to in-person therapy. That said, it is by no means a complete substitute for in-person therapy, so it is important to speak to your psychologist about what is best for you.”

The Government is also helping to raise awareness and support mental health. In April 2022, the BetterTogether initiative was launched to champion mental health literacy, support and destigmatisation, which will entail “surveying perspectives and collecting feedback” and “[conducting] plenary sessions and dialogues on mental health and well-being”. The official statement goes on to add that the eventual goal is to “consolidate ground concerns and proposals for legislative and policy changes in this regard”.

This is on top of the “Beyond the Label” campaign that was launched by the National Council of Social Service in 2018 to address stigmas faced by persons with mental health conditions. was launched as a one-stop portal with resources that can help people deal with stress and improve well-being.

What can we do as a society to encourage comfortable talking among ourselves and others?
There are a few steps you can take to address your mental health issues.

“Firstly, we can reframe how we view mental health and mental illness. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they are not the exact same thing. One person may experience poor mental health but not be diagnosed as having a mental illness. Likewise, a person diagnosed with a mental illness can experience periods of physical, mental and social well-being,” says Voon Yen Sing, senior assistant director of Clinical Services at the Singapore Association for Mental Health.

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She also said that we can all learn to recognize that our mental health is just as important as our physical health. We can also be more aware and proactive in our treatment of mental illness and mental health.

“Choose to be informed about the facts – be open to attending awareness-raising events or check out credible sources to demystify commonly held stereotypes. Next, examine your own judgments and unconscious biases.

“Finally, choose your words carefully as they can affect the attitudes of others, and listen actively to people’s perspectives without giving them advice prematurely,” she advises.

These are the most common symptoms to watch out for

There is no way to tell if someone is struggling with their mental health, or if it is due to a physical condition. A doctor is the best person to diagnose. We asked
Voon Yen Seing, senior assistant director of Clinical Services for the Singapore Association for Mental Health for common symptoms that could be indicators.

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• Inability or reduction in ability to carry out daily activities or handle daily challenges and stress
• Changes in emotion, such as feeling excessively sad, anxious, guilty, angry or fearful
• Confused thinking or difficulties in concentrating
• Changes in social interaction, like avoiding friends and social activities, or exhibiting inappropriate behaviours like talking excessively
• Changes in sleeping habits or having low energy

How to lend and help

Promises Healthcare’s senior clinical psychologist, Pearlene Lim, offers some suggestions for being a shoulder you can lean on.

Recognize the signs: If there’s been a significant change in their behaviour and ability to function, talk to them to find out more and encourage them to seek professional help if needed.

Know what resources are available:You can take note of the helplines they can call and direct them to reliable online resources to learn more about their condition. However, it’s important that they do not self-diagnose.

Listen attentively and accompany them to a professional, if necessary. Try to empathise – it can be scary for them to be vulnerable when talking about their struggles.

Three Tips to Regulate Your Mood

1. Schedule worry time
It is natural to worry about a difficult task. However, if you schedule a time to worry, and then reflect on the tasks, it will allow you to make space for the things that are most important.

2. Practise STOP
Take a moment to stop doing whatever you’re doing and focus on your breath. Also, notice how the air feels in your nostrils. Notice how your body moves when you breathe. Observe how your body feels, what thoughts you are having, and what emotions you are feeling. Next, determine what you need to do.

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3. Self-compassion is essential
If your inner critic is too loud, it can cause you to be negative. Recognize your inner critic, recognize what is important and what isn’t, and learn to discern which feelings or thoughts are beneficial over the long-term and which to discard.

This is the final instalment of Her World’s What Women Want series.

Source: Her World

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