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9 Coffee Additives That Wil Boost Health Benefits


Whether or not you’re a caffeine addict like me, you can make your coffee work better for you with coffee additives. In the words of Lorelai Gilmore, “Everything in my life has something to do with coffee.” It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up, I fall asleep looking forward to having a cup the next morning, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find a way to sneak in another cup (or two) somewhere during the day. My love for the delicious drink started in college whenever I needed a pick-me-up after late-night study sessions, and it’s stuck with me through my post-grad life for every early-morning meeting and midday slump. What can you say? I’m loyal. 

I’m not exactly Be proud of my caffeine dependency, but since I don’t see my two to three cups a day going away anytime soon, I want to make the most out of them by adding in some extra nutrients when possible. You can also add healthy ingredients to your morning beverage by reading the following easy recipes. 


1. Collagen

We’re often told that collagen is the must-have ingredient to improve our hair, skin, and nails, but the benefits don’t stop there. Collagen can also be used to increase your intake of protein. Healthline states that our bodies slow down the production of collagen as we get older. Collagen can be added to your morning coffee to support important functions such as tissue repair, immune response, and cellular movement. Plus, Jennifer Aniston adds it to her coffee every morning, and we all know she’s #goals. Collagen powder is tasteless and fully dissolvable, so you won’t even notice it in your coffee, but if you prefer a more specialty-coffee drink, whisk in some flavored collagen creamer for added taste and froth.


2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a well-known coffee additive (hello PSL season!It’s a popular addition to coffee, and with good reason. Not only does it taste like fall, but it’s also full of health benefits. According to The New York Times cinnamon is anti-microbial and full of antioxidants.. A daily intake of the spice can also help lower blood sugar, improve brain function, and aid digestion. Sprinkle it on top to enjoy the added benefits and flavor.


3. Butter

Butter coffee, made famous by Bulletproof coffeeHealthy fats can bring many benefits to your diet. Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey recommends using butter from grass-fed animals or ghee if you want to get the best antioxidants and omega-3s from your coffee. These healthy fats also help keep energy levels stable, meaning you won’t experience blood sugar spikes and ultimately that post-coffee crash that can come from sugary coffee drinks. Make a delicious, creamy latte by adding butter or coconut oil into freshly brewed coffee.   



4. Adaptogens

While adaptogens are all the rage in wellness trends today, the use adaptogens is still a popular choice. Dates back to more than 3,000 years agoIt has been used in many cultures, and even has roots in. Ayurveda. There are many types and uses for adaptogens. Here are six of the most common. Reishi mushrooms are calming and can help with sleep and stress, lion’s mane helps with focus and productivity, chaga supports the immune system, cordyceps can improve stamina and endurance, and turkey tail mushrooms aid in gut health. Research also suggestsAshwagandha has antibacterial and hormonal properties. As with any diet change or supplementation, it is important to consult your doctor before you take ashwagandha. 


5. Cacao

You don’t have to try hard to convince me to add more chocolate to my diet, but add in the health benefits, and I’m sold. Cacao It dates back to the 1500 B.C. cacao was used for ceremonies and celebrations by the Mayans. According to Healthline, it’s known to be rich in antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and improve brain function. Also, did I mention it’s delicious? You can add cacao powder to your coffee for a delicious upgrade. The taste of cacao is more bitter than chocolate (because it doesn’t contain the added sugar), so add your sweetener of choice for more of a mocha taste. 


6. Turmeric

This A popular spice has been used medicinally. It is a native of southern India and Indonesia and has been around for over 4500 years. It is widely used today for its health and flavor., but did you know it’s become a common way to (literally) spice up your coffee too? According to HealthlineCurcumin, a compound found in turmeric, is well-known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also full of antioxidants. Turmeric lattes, made with turmeric and milk, are a great way of reducing your coffee intake and still enjoying a warm beverage. 



7. Cardamom 

Cardamom spice is a product ofCardamom seeds are dried and ground and used in South Asian cooking as well as Scandinavian baking. Its flavor is similar to mint but its benefits are the same as cinnamon. It’s high in antioxidants and can also aid in digestion. Since it has a minty taste, it’s the perfect spice if you’re a fan of a peppermint latte around the the holidays, and bonus: Goodbye coffee breath! 


8. Raw honey

We all know this. Kourtney KardashianI am a big fan of natural sweetener. After learning more about its benefits, it is easy to see why. It contains vitamins, minerals. It is rich in antioxidants and a variety nutrients. My personal favorite benefit (as someone who suffers from year-round allergies) is that raw honey may help seasonal allergies, especially if it’s local.


9. Vanilla extract

Adding vanilla to your coffee may sound like an obvious suggestion, but we’re not talking about your standard vanilla syrup. Natural vanilla extract or vanilla bean (make sure it’s real, not imitation made from synthetic ingredients) It is rich in antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory properties. Vanilla extract can be used to add flavor to your coffee. Minerals such as potassium and magnesium can be added to your diet.


What 14 Doctors, Wellness Bloggers, Nutritionists, and Doctors add to their Coffee


Source: The Every Girl

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