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At 56, Elizabeth Hurley’s Washboard Abs In A Bikini Set Instagram On Fire

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  • Elizabeth Hurley just dropped a bikini pic online that’s pretty much shutting down the Internet.
  • In the Instagram post, the 56-year-old can be seen rocking a tan bikini for all it’s worth.
  • Liz invented found fitness. She spends her days doing cool moves that work her muscles.

    Elizabeth Hurley practically lives in a bathing suit (peep her Instagrams for proof), but she just dropped a bikini pic online that’s pretty much shutting down the Internet.

    In the Instagram post, the 56-year-old can be seen rocking a tan bikini for all it’s worth. Liz’s legs, arms, and abs look ridiculously sculpted, and it’s easy to see why fans totally freaked out in the comments over it.

    “Got this shot whilst on location filming Christmas in the Caribbean – just before I sprained my silly ankle,” she wrote in the caption. “Now, still on crutches and lying on the sofa, eating chocolates and feeling sorry for myself 🤷🏻‍♀️.”

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    As for those comments… . “This should be illegal😍,” one person wrote. “Good God 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥,” another said.

    OK, but how does she mange to look so fit despite everything <gestures broadly> she’s got going on? Liz invented found fitness. She spends her days doing cool moves that work her muscles.

    This includes doing squats as she brushes her teeth in morning, long walks with her dog and gardening. Oh! Liz is also into logging. “I do a lot of exercise, but it’s really the gardening… cutting down a hedge, using my chainsaw to cut down a tree, logging, all of that stuff I do,” she told Additional. Yup, logging.

    All that said, Liz retorted Women’s Health that the gym isn’t really her thing. “I don’t really do any set exercise, per se, because I prefer to get my exercise from doing something than being in the gym,” she said.

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    Still, Liz has said that she “enjoys” Pilates, per the Daily Mail, although she added, “I don’t do it often enough.”

    Liz is very active and spends a lot of time outside. “I do as much outside during the winter as I do during the summer,” she told WH. “Not only do I feel, well, actually exhausted, but also I feel that I’ve got the leaves up, which is also a nice thing. I’d rather do housework than go to the gym…I’d rather scrub a mirror—it does just as much.”

    Liz loves whole foods. “I like simple, natural and easy food. I don’t really like food with a lot of chemicals or additives,” she told The Cut. “When I’m at home in the country, I always try and eat food that’s grown locally. That goes for meats and vegetables.”

    Liz likes to end her evening with a light meal like whole grains, vegetables, or lean meat. “I think that’s one of the best diet tips you can have, to eat your food earlier on in the day, so you’ve got more time to digest it, and your body can rest in the sleep period,” she told E!

    Now, where can you get that bikini again?

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    Source: Women’s Health Mag

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